
时间:2024-04-01 16:02:19 分类:作文大全













游戏刚开始,我就已经用我的一个大鸡蛋连续碰碎了姐姐的三、四个鸡蛋了,现在,她的`手里只剩下一个鸡蛋了。这时,姐姐的脸变得苍白起来,看得出,她紧张极了,生怕这最后一个鸡蛋被我碰碎,但她却逞强说:“你看好了,这次你输定了!”我装作害怕的样子说:“哎呦,我好怕怕哦!这样吧,我让你一下, 你可以先碰我的鸡蛋,怎么样?”“好!”姐姐坚定地说。于是,她紧紧握着她的鸡蛋,向我的鸡蛋碰来,只听“啪”的一声,我的鸡蛋居然碎了,我很不服气,姐姐却高兴得不得了,一直不停的笑,我生气地对她说:“别笑了,我们继续比赛吧。”
















我们在中午之前到达了亮马台,亮马台的游客很多,车辆川流不息。把车停在聚龙山庄后,我们继续上山上走去,姑姑从袋子里拿出了几个小铲子,对我们说: “走,咱们去挖野菜吧。”我们都答应了,然后向山坡走去。到达了山坡,姑姑教我怎样挖野菜,还告诉我怎样辨别野菜,说着挖了几根野菜给我看了看,还指着根上的小蒜头,说:“这是野蒜。”然后递给我一把小铲子,叫我挖几根试试。我非常兴奋,接过小铲子就按照姑姑的指示挖了几根带小蒜头的野菜放进袋子里,姑姑夸我真能干。我很高兴,一连又挖了几个野菜。这时妈妈告诉我,那边还有苦菜哩。我拿着小铲子过去,妈妈说,苦菜不用挖根。我心想:原来苦菜比野菜好挖呀。然后我按照妈妈的指点挖了几个苦菜放进袋子里。就这样,我流连在山坡上、田野里,忙的不亦乐乎。






清明,又叫踏青节。按阳历来说,它是在每年的月4日至4月6日之间,也是春光明媚草木吐绿的时节,也正是人们春游(古代叫踏青)的好时候。所以古人有清明踏青,并开展一系列体育活动的习俗。 今年的清明节,我们要去踏青,寻找春天。

到了下午,我们集合之后,便开始上了路了。在车水马龙的十字路口,看见了许多用粉笔画的圆圈,里面好像写着什么字,上面还盖着纸烧完的灰。我不明白那是什么,便问妈妈:“妈妈,你看地上用 粉笔画的圆圈是什么意思?”“这是那些远离家乡的人无法回家上坟,所以在这里烧些纸钱,祭奠和怀念自己已故的亲人,希望他们在冥界过的更好一些。”妈妈回答道。




等享受完美景后,我们开始返回了,在返回的途中有看见了玉兰花、迎春花和梅花,他们依依不舍的在跟我们打着招呼,争先恐后的再跳入我的眼帘,想让我欣赏他们的美丽,感受它们的魅力,分享它 们的快乐。

我们今天走进了春天,看到了漂亮的花,欣赏了美丽的景,感受到了春的勃勃生机。春天,充满了能量,孕育着希望。此时,果园花朵争艳;秋天,果园瓜果飘香,美丽的果园将会是硕果累累,一片丰 收的景象!我期待着。秋天,我一定要再去果园,收获果子……

today is tomb sweeping day, so we have a holiday. we are going to organize to go to the orchard to see the flowers of all kinds of trees and understand the vitality of spring.

qingming festival is not only a traditional festival in china, but also the most important sacrificial festival. it is a day for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping. tomb sweeping, commonly known as going to the grave, is an activity of offering sacrifices to the dead. most of the han and some ethnic minorities sweep tombs on the tomb sweeping day.

qingming festival is also called outing festival. according to the gregorian calendar, it is between april 4 and april 6 every year. it is also a time of beautiful spring and green plants. it is also a good time for people to have a spring outing (called outing in ancient times). therefore, the ancients had the custom of going on an outing during the qingming festival and carrying out a series of sports activities. this years tomb sweeping day, we are going to go outing and look for spring.

in the afternoon, after we gathered, we began to go on the road. at the busy crossroads, i saw many circles drawn with chalk, which seemed to be written with some words, and covered with paper burned ash. i didnt understand what it was, so i asked my mother, "mom, what do you mean by the chalk circle on the ground?" "this is because those who are far away from home cannot go home to the grave, so burn some paper money here to commemorate and miss their dead relatives, and hope they can live better in the underworld." mother replied.

we rode our bikes leisurely on the road, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes talking, sometimes laughing... unconsciously, we came to the orchard.

after entering the orchard, i first saw several fruit trees such as apple tree, peach tree, apricot tree and apricot pear tree. among them, apricot trees are the best, with white flowers one after another, so holy. as long as you shake the branches gently, the white flowers float down like snow.

go to the front and go deep into the orchard. you can see a green seedling. if you observe carefully, you will find that under the cover of green leaves, there are many small white flowers hidden, and some are still flowers and bones.

after enjoying the perfect scenery, we began to return. on the way back, we saw magnolias, spring jasmine and plum blossoms. they were reluctant to say hello to us and scrambled to jump into my eyes, hoping that i could appreciate their beauty, feel their charm and share their happiness.

today, we walked into spring, saw beautiful flowers, appreciated the beautiful scenery and felt the vitality of spring. spring is full of energy and gives birth to hope. at this time, the orchard flowers are blooming; in autumn, the fruits and melons in the orchard are fragrant, and the beautiful orchard will be a scene of fruitful harvest! i am looking forward to it. in autumn, i must go to the orchard again to harvest fruit.......



路上,我非常兴奋的观赏着路边的风景。桃树已经开了花,粉红粉红的,给马路增添了几分生气。花坛里的草有红色的,还有绿色的,衬托着那粉红粉红的花朵。春风像妈妈那温暖的手轻轻地抚摸着我 的脸。我迎着春风,不一会儿就到达了湿地公园。

刚走进湿地公园的大门口,那迷人的景色就把我迷住了。到处都是绿油油的草坪,草坪上的树木都已抽出嫩绿的新芽。往里走有一个大湖,湖边上栽种着许多花花草草,它们争奇斗艳,竞相开放。 看,那雪白的樱花,一簇簇,一串串。还有红色的樱花也开了,满树花朵开得火红,一朵朵,一团团,像孩子们的笑脸。最漂亮的要数那桃花了,姹紫嫣红,远远望去,好像从天上落下来的一片片朝霞 ,散发着清香。我大口大口地吸着香气,好像总也闻不够。走近一看,有的桃花半开半合,只绽开两三瓣,像一位害羞的小姑娘;有的桃花全开了,露出黄色的花蕊,在枝头怒放着;有的含苞欲放,好 像一个等待出世的婴儿。总会引来一只只勤劳的小蜜蜂,它们围绕着一朵或两朵花不停的飞,有时停在那上面吸点花蜜。一切都是那么的生机勃勃,绿意盎然。

再往里走,我们发现了一大片漂亮的油菜花地。金灿灿的油菜花连成了一片金色的海洋,美丽极了。我不由得深深呼吸,那香味沁人心肺,让人心旷神怡。那诱人的香味还引来了许多蜜蜂和蝴蝶。 一时间,我仿佛进入到了一种幻想的情境当中。我在油菜花中跑着,跳着,笑着。真象是“待到油菜花开时,我在丛中笑”。


it was sunny and cool in the breeze. in this spring breeze blowing qingming season, we go for an outing in the wetland park.

on the way, i was very excited to watch the scenery on the roadside. the peach trees have blossomed, pink and pink, adding a little vitality to the road. the grass in the flower bed has red and green, setting off the pink flowers. the spring breeze gently stroked my face like my mothers warm hand. facing the spring breeze, i soon arrived at the wetland park.

as soon as i walked into the gate of the wetland park, the charming scenery fascinated me. there are green lawns everywhere, and the trees on the lawn have pulled out fresh green buds. walking inward, there is a great lake. many flowers and plants are planted on the lake. they compete for beauty and bloom. look at the snow-white cherry blossoms, clusters and strings. there are also red cherry blossoms. the trees are full of red flowers, one after another, like childrens smiling faces. the most beautiful is the peach blossom, which is colorful and red. looking from a distance, it looks like pieces of morning glow falling from the sky, emitting a fragrance. i gulped the aroma, as if i didnt smell enough. a closer look, some peach blossoms half open and half closed, only two or three petals, like a shy little girl; some peach blossoms are in full bloom, revealing yellow stamens and blooming on the branches; some are in bud, like a baby waiting to be born. there are always industrious little bees. they fly around one or two flowers and sometimes stop there to suck some nectar. everything is so vibrant and green.

further inside, we found a large area of beautiful rape fields. the golden rape flowers are connected into a golden ocean, which is very beautiful. i cant help but breathe deeply. the fragrance is refreshing and refreshing. the attractive fragrance also attracted many bees and butterflies. for a moment, i seemed to enter a fantasy situation. i was running, jumping and laughing among the rape flowers. its like "when the rape flowers bloom, i laugh in the bushes".

before we knew it, we should all go home. on the way home, the beautiful scenery of wetland park still flashed in my mind like a movie. i will not forget today, this sunny qingming season.



